Monday, December 12, 2005

Spherical Tomi Episode 7 - not yet

Did you all have a good laugh with episode 6.5? Good. I still can't believe I released some of those outtakes...
Anyway - I'm posting here to apologize (yet again) for the delay in releasing ST ep 7.
It's being held up in the edit stage because I've hit a section of long conversation.
That stretch of dialogue is fine in the text version (I hope), but I think it needs a trim for an audio version. So I'm doing some minor abridgements, and even adding a few brand-new lines to grout and smooth over the holes from the cuts.

So there you have it. Nothing essential will be cut or changed from the original story, of course; but as of episode 7, the podiobook and e-book versions will have distinct differences.


Those of you who've read the entire e-book know that there's another long conversation at the end. As of now, I'm not planning on abridging one word of that, but we'll have to see how it feels once it's recorded.


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