Monday, June 13, 2005


So there's a "Didja like Duel of the Fates?" posting up at the Dragon Page website. In the Comments section, a poster named Cloysterpete said the following:
"New podiobook Spherical Tomi?. Where can I learn more?. Pray tell, sir :)"

Now, I'm somewhat new to the DP system, so I didn't know that Cloysterpete is a regular, legitimate poster to the DP boards. I assumed it was Pete Allen, Editor-in-Chief at Creative Guy Publishing, playing it up, since CGP's next e-book publication project will be: --- you guessed it, "Spherical Tomi". (When? Soon.) So I 'played along' and gave the "coming soon from CGP, currently recording it for a podiobook release, deep space samurai, etc., etc." shpiel, but played it slightly humble.

But then, Pete Allen tells me it wasn't him. I thought he was being coy, but a quick perusal of the DP board reveals that Cloysterpete is indeed a separate person from Pete Allen (unless Pete Allen has fooled me yet again to pull some clever identity subterfuge!!).
So if Cloysterpete - or anyone else - reads those boards and this blog -- details of the "Spherical Tomi" podiobook will be coming very soon! I am indeed recording the text right now. Been hampered by a voice-altering cold and a few other excuses - but the main problem so far has been my competency level. It's bad enough that I'm recording extremely low-tech (using Audacity on Windows and a $40 Logitech USB mic to do the recordings -- yes, it's the same setup I use for the Duel of the Fates segments), but my first forays were uncertain and - well, amateurish. I can't achieve slick studio production with my setup, but I really want the Spherical Tomi listening experience to knock you out. I can make that happen.
AND I promise it will -- and I promise it will be on time. As soon as I know when that is - and I'm authorized to say - I'll post the dates here. Stay tuned.

These are exciting times.


Blogger cloysterpete said...

Cloysterpete here. Man, I can't believe it took me six years to find and read this message, strewth!.

4/30/2011 2:26 PM  

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